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Area Bota dan Seri Iskandar, Perak.
Hubungi 017-9784787
atau Emel : wanhassan01 [at]

Friday, December 25, 2009

Google AdSense Account Status

Haha,I've got this in my email...Maybe there is another way...hurm~

Subject: Google AdSense Account Status


It has come to our attention that invalid clicks have been generated on
your Google ads, posing a financial risk to our AdWords advertisers.
Please note that any activity that may artificially inflate an
advertiser's costs or a publisher's earnings is strictly prohibited by our
program policies.

We understand that you may want more information about the activity we
detected. However, because we have a need to protect our proprietary
detection systems, we're unable to provide our publishers with any details
about their account activity, including any web pages or users that may
have been involved. Thank you for your understanding.

We recommend reviewing these references to learn more about invalid click
activity and other activities that could endanger your account standing:

Please note that because we credit advertisers for any invalid activity we
detect, we may adjust your account earnings for any days during which
invalid clicks occurred.

If you were clicking your ads out of interest or to see who was
advertising on your site, please note that clicking on your own ads for
any reason is strictly prohibited by our program policies. Instead, we
suggest using the AdSense preview tool as an alternative. This tool will
allow you to check the destination of ads on your page without the risk of
generating invalid clicks. For more information, please visit our Help
Center at

Lastly, please note that if we continue to detect invalid clicks on your
Google ads, we may take further action on your account in order to protect
our advertisers' interests. Thank you for your understanding.


The Google AdSense Team

Ok,i'm gonna GOOGLE the adsense tips and tricks...till meet y'all in the next entry...adiosss...

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